Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Elastic Bands On Wrist Circulations Just To Check...?

Just to check...? - elastic bands on wrist circulations


I am a little self-Harmer (not in detail), but no scars to this day. Recently I decided to go around the table, on my wrist with a rubber band as a form of self-mutilation, because I thought it would be safer.

So, check to:
I will be slightly raised red patches where I'm crazy - this method is harmless damage (lol) really safe, or there was a risk of permanent damage?

Is it safe to a rubber band around your wrist, use the whole day (but off course from time to time, as they fear that sleep lol)? It's a super tight, but if it is left to their fate a bit thinner than the wrist, I just want to make sure I am not disrupt traffic or something else.


And please, no lectures on psychology. I no longer need, I have answered only Q.

Thank you again


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