Monday, December 7, 2009

Sebaceous Cyst. More Condition_symptoms Sebaceous Cyst ?

Sebaceous Cyst ? - sebaceous cyst. more condition_symptoms

I recently noticed a knot bubble gum ball the size of my dog in the upper left and moved like a atheroma is not red or shows other signs of infection. Does anyone have any experience with these standards, and what should I do? She is 4 years old Silky Terrier and had a size of a pea about a year back, he disappeared. It seems the cause of the problems to feel comfortable.


Chetco said...

Some of them spontaneously, but some are growing and need to remove to a vet .. Take a look, and if it grows or becomes soft, take it to the vet .. If there are growing sterilized, the cycles of the most dangerous kind ...
Westies are known for their large number of cysts.

msnite19... said...

It is rather a fatty tumor. Overflow sebaceous cysts or disappear, and sebaceous cysts are larger than a grain of discomfort when he plays, which could lead to. I do not think from a fatty tumor in their own interest. They tend to grow over time, but they are completely harmless. They are ugly.

msnite19... said...

It is rather a fatty tumor. Overflow sebaceous cysts or disappear, and sebaceous cysts are larger than a grain of discomfort when he plays, which could lead to. I do not think from a fatty tumor in their own interest. They tend to grow over time, but they are completely harmless. They are ugly.

tom l said...

See a vet and tested to ensure an atheroma is everything.
Cancer looks the same.

sweets said...

I have a rescue operation that had cysts in the head, that he has to bring to the vet and had cut a small hole and the evacuation began, but can not garentee not return, but its a week ago and did not, but told me that sometimes made his life away

AnswerGa... said...

It is probably a fatty tumor called lipoma ... They checked, but by a veterinarian or .... If you ask your dog to a groom, they plan to see more animals.

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